Be touched by the powers of Reiki; energy healing for horses


Touched by the powers of Reiki and touched by the horses Anna Twinney sought to combine the two together and bring to you her original Reiki; energy healing for horses workshop. As a trail blazing horse whisperer and animal communicator Anna has followed her calling to connect horses and humans together through the art of Reiki.

If Reiki speaks to you? Go here for more details on this year’s attunements and availability:

Learn specifically about Energy Healing for Horses Classes here:

If you want a week-long retreat to gain your certification in Reiki I, II and complete the Reiki Healing Energy for Horses workshop, go here:

(this event is held annually and the dates for the 2022 retreat will be at a similar time of year to the 2021 retreat)

Want to access our supply of Healing tools? Go here to find the one and only Equine Energy Centers and Chakra banner:

Find ROTH’s hand-crafted pendulums here:

We would like to extend much gratitude to ROTH student: Emily Sabatella, for her exceptional project that made us want to share it with the world. On behalf of ROTH and the horses, well done, Emily!!!


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