Calm Night Music – Music For Cold Relief, Flu, Illness, Meditation, Reiki Healing


Ideal Zen music to chill out to and relax. Perfect for massage, spas, meditation, deep reflection, study, or times when you simply need some tranquility in your life…

Keep in mind that although our music has been designed to contribute to your general wellness, it is not meant to replace any medical or psychological treatment or consultation. If you have a serious medical condition, please consult with your medical doctor immediately. Do not use while driving or operating machinery.

This HEALING Music using brainwave entrainment (BWE) actually entrains (coaches) your brain to respond in a more relaxed and balanced way.

The embedded SOUND Therapy naturally assists your brain to steady its own inner reactivity and so calm troublesome feelings of stress, anxiety, panic, frustration, hyper-alertness and distress, including Chronic Pain and Nerve Pain.

music for cold relief,
cold relief music,
music for flu,
music for illness,
flu meditation,
meditation for flu,
flu healing music,
illness music,
meditation for colds,
healing music for cold,
cold music,
meditation flu,
cold healing music,
reiki for cold,
music for cold,
music for colds,
healing cold meditation,
flu relief music,
healing cold music,
meditation for cold,
music for a cold,
cold relief,
music for the flu,
cold and flu meditation


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  • im sick so this relaxing music will cure my illness🤒

    Angela Beatrice D. Ronquillo January 7, 2022 9:54 am Reply
  • Me and my family is sick rn, still ain't confirmed if covid or just seasonal flu. Listening to this made me calm. Thank you so much. Please pray that we recover soon. 😁

    cheeseb January 7, 2022 9:54 am Reply
  • my sister has the co19 and i dont feel good so yah and my parakeet is sick

    skyfrostMEOw January 7, 2022 9:54 am Reply
  • Thank you I'm sick right now

    Veronica Sanchez January 7, 2022 9:54 am Reply
  • Currently sick with COVID and the one time I actually want to Fall sleep Quickly I can’t. I’m having trouble breathing and I’m getting panicked but having something calm to listen to is helping a little bit.

    Sara Ferguson January 7, 2022 9:54 am Reply
  • This is my second time getting the coronavirus I got it last December and now I have it again I’m in quarantine music soft and we get by fairest anyone else that is going through this

    Keepcalm 1278 January 7, 2022 9:54 am Reply
  • Thanks

    AshleyTV78 January 7, 2022 9:54 am Reply
  • I was so sick just now but after this i feel so much better

    AshleyTV78 January 7, 2022 9:54 am Reply
  • Thanks it help alot now my throat is feeling better and my head and not so much cough

    AshleyTV78 January 7, 2022 9:54 am Reply
  • Hi im a 8 year old and im sick today i have headache mild fever little bit of cough and sore throat and runny nose so ill listen to this music pls pray for me ill pray for everyone who is sick like my dad mom brother and grandpa and pray for myself in Jesus name. Amen.

    AshleyTV78 January 7, 2022 9:54 am Reply
  • I have been feeling down because I have a runny nose and I have been sneezing a lot lately… I hope it'll go away soon..thank you for this music!❤️

    For all of you remember that you're strong and your sickness will go away soon ❤️🌼🌹💖

    Møüßëy Flores January 7, 2022 9:54 am Reply
  • I’m poorly tonight listening to this kind of music eases my mind I often float away into my own little world when I hear music like this I imagine I’m in my happy place with out stress and worries because sometimes day dreaming is a lot easier then the real world but ever day I get threw life because I know no matter how tough life gets there’s a reason for everything sometimes we just have to carry on and learn and adapt to certain situations but I know I’m not alone and I hope who ever reads this knows you’re not alone either no matter how poorly you’re feeling it will soon pass hopefully sending prays to all those whome become poorly 😷 🌹

    Ghosty W January 7, 2022 9:54 am Reply
  • My cat threw up under my bed and it made me feel as sick as heck. This really helps.💜

    FrodoBaby January 7, 2022 9:54 am Reply
  • Now my sister has the illness so I put this song on for her shes not crying as much now👍

    Zepeto and gacha kieara January 7, 2022 9:54 am Reply
  • It is so sad 😭 all of us have to be sick on Christmas I pray 🙏🙏🙏 all of us get well soon.

    Grace Qureshi January 7, 2022 9:54 am Reply
  • So today I woke up perfectly fine and couple of hours later I started being sick in the toilet,then I found this ànd i am listen to it now,I feel a bit better

    Zepeto and gacha kieara January 7, 2022 9:54 am Reply
  • Just got 2nd dose of vaccination the other day. Temperature check 38.7, time check 2:12 am

    Lana Delfin January 7, 2022 9:54 am Reply
  • I'm sick and on my period rn I'm literally shaking while doing this , it's so cold and my landlord won't turn up the heat in the apartment I'm going to try if this music rlly work. Prayers onto you guys who are sick

    Chuu January 7, 2022 9:54 am Reply
  • I’ve been vomiting the past few weeks, and this music made me calm and breath carefully. I want to thank the creator of this music because, it made me feel a lot better. I’ve felt like i was being choked and, the music made the choking sensation go away. Thank You -Mason

    Mason’s FNAF World 🌎 January 7, 2022 9:54 am Reply
  • I was feeling extremely nauseous earlier and this music helped. Stay safe and have a Merry Christmas!

    Jaxson Worley January 7, 2022 9:54 am Reply
  • I have a fever i was going to be sick

    flamingoove2 January 7, 2022 9:54 am Reply
  • I’ve been feeling sick I took off for two days but had to go to online school so I really wasn’t resting on my days off, then I had my two regular days off of work so in total I was off from work for 4 days tomorrow I’m going back to work. I’m progressively feeling worse and I went to to Dr today they proscribed me with medicine but tomorrow is going to suck knowing I have to wake up with a stuffy heavy nose and a cough 😔

    80s Rock January 7, 2022 9:54 am Reply
  • I was throwing up tonight and having anxiety hallucinations in my college dorm, I feel miserable, thank you ❤️

    Goldrush Graphics January 7, 2022 9:54 am Reply
  • Thank you, this helped my headache

    Hanako Atheastus :D January 7, 2022 9:54 am Reply
  • I had one German exam today on this Tuesday, although I felt sick.
    I have a Psychology exam tomorrow on this Wednesday, where I will probably still feel sick.
    And then I have an English exam on this Friday, but I am not sure whether I will still be feeling sick there or not.

    But I cannot just miss out on the exams. I don't want to.

    BloxxingDinosaurus January 7, 2022 9:54 am Reply
  • i have the flu and i feel like shit thank god i dont have covid but this still sucks.

    sierra January 7, 2022 9:54 am Reply
  • Im sick😴😬🤒😷

    Folk beat January 7, 2022 9:54 am Reply
  • I had a stomach Ache and this helped so much! Thank you!

    Cl0utless mous3 January 7, 2022 9:54 am Reply
  • For anyone who is sick or in need of healing. Just press play, turn out the lights ; & look up at the beautiful stars. Talk to the stars and tell them all your deepest expressions. Your bright just like them & strong like the sun. God gives you strength just talk to him

    Patrick Hutchinson January 7, 2022 9:54 am Reply
  • i feel better

    fun videos January 7, 2022 9:54 am Reply
  • And the dog won a meddle for being a hero guy and then the dog saw. Somebody robing the BANK And wen the robber tried to get more cash the dog grabbed it and went on the roof and went to the Chimney and put the cash in and the man was proud that worked at the bank the dog is my hero I said and he went on a bus with me and the dog wanted to see what was wrong at school and the bus stopped we’re here said the bus driver and something was not right a teacher did not know how to teach math a lot of kids hated math but the dog said woof woof woof and on and on and the teacher said okay and said kids stop messing around 1+1=2 and 1+2= fill in the blank said the teacher and one kid did not know but he forgot his hands so it is 3 and it was correct everyone got it right and now the dog name was super dog and he got a cool Colored cape and he saw somebody had a picnic and they were to bizy lighting the fire A sneaky wolf tried to steal the chips Sandwhiches and marshmallows. And Chocolate chips the dog said WOOF and scared the wolf and went in the woods next somebody was at the pool swimming on 6 feet the dog jumped in the water with a splash and told the boy woof and he said okay and went on 3 feet where he can stand Next a Pearson was doing a game at off the wall and one game was not working and I said no but it was not loud so the dog made a big WOOF and he said I am not using my tickets for a game that is not working then the super dog flyed in the sky with his cape and made it too new yourk city and Talita was a Girl that was falling from her house ahh she screamed and he flyed and grabbed her and throw her and she screamed and super dog said woof and she said okay and she landed on her pool and the dog swam with me and wen we went home he was tired so he said woof woof and I said okay and I got him a new teddy bear and he sleeps intill the next day comes and someone called me and I said get up we have one more mission and the mission was someone is in a pool of gold and Diamonds
    And treasures and i tied a rope to the dog and he grabbed a boy and the boy got the gold and treasures and they drived home and you can sleep dog and he did

    Sonicbro January 7, 2022 9:54 am Reply
  • I was going to the dr cause I was sick and wen I came home I was dizzy and went on my iPhone on youtube and found this video and I Could not here my dog was barking at strangers playing football and a boy fell and my dog broke outside cause I forgot to close the door wen I came home from the dr my heart was beating fast and the dog gave the boy his teddy bear he sleeps with he stoped crying and smiled and said thank you and the mom and dad said thank you for saving my child and the dog made a woof and went inside I was so

    Sonicbro January 7, 2022 9:54 am Reply

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