Cancer and Energy healing – my personal journey


It has been exactly one year since my 1st chemotherapy, on 28th July 2022. The malignancy diagnosis came as a shock, but it has been the most productive year in terms of learning, ever in my life. It opened up avenues of studies that I never thought I would persue. I came to terms with the psychological and energy implications of the causes of cancer. I studied energy healing methods like Chakra Balancing and Reiki and Psychotherapeutic topics like Inner Child Healing.

Today, on completing one full year since the beginning of my chemotherapy, I want to extend a hand to anyone battling this fearsome disease…. If you or your loved one is battling cancer and you wish to bring a little peace and calm in this otherwise gruesome process, The Mirror Within announces a 33% discount on healing sessions for any booking done before 31st July for people going through cancer. Support will be provided through Inner Child Healing, Reiki and Guided Meditation to heal and enhance the healing capacity of the patient. And as apprehensive as it may sound to the science minded generation that we are, but peace and mental strength is the foremost requirement towards a proper healing in any difficult treatment.

Few moments of my personal journey have been put together in a video msg here to understand the challanges and help factors involved in fighting cancer. May it bring hope and strength to anyone battling cancer and may their journey be bright and beautiful. (Please pause the video to read the tips if needed, because they helped me a great deal)

The Mirror Within sends love, Happy Healing ❤️

#cancer #cancersurvivor #chemotherapy #radiationoncology #malignancy #reiki #chakras #healing #meditation #innerchildhealing #scienceandspirituality


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