COMFREY COMPRESS & STINGING NETTLE TEA #gardeninspire #naturalhealing #naturalhealth


Hello beautiful soul 🥰

Last weekend, a friend came and visited and we had a walk around the garden. Even though my garden is very wild, I said to her, that a majority of the plants that have self seeded or that grow well in our backyard have medicinal qualities. I allow those plants to sow and grow. For example the stinging nettle, calendula, borage, the chrysanthemum and the comfrey have all self sown and regrown again. There is a saying that whatever grows within a certain mile radius of our homes, grows because it’s something we may need medicinally – energetically. Mother Earth knows 😉

I’ve used Chrysanthemum flowers in tea that continues to grow the air for to relieve symptoms and aches and pains when we had covid and the calendula we use it for lotions and sunscreen.
The stinging nettle, we use that as a tea if one of my boys has a respiratory flare up and at the moment my youngest has lower back pain at the moment, when I gave her some Reiki my hand went over the kidney area, I’m like okay, we will make some nettle tea and encourage more fluids too (Ancient Egyptians used nettle tea for back pain too and you know my fascination and connections with Ancient Egypt).

I find that very interesting knowing the energetics and the health of the six of us and noticing what grows well and what doesn’t. Having that knowledge is actually quite amazing and it’s.

With my nursing background, energy healing training and trusting my intuition we can 99% of the time manage at home (unless of course it’s acute like Nikitas broken toe lol which has healed beautifully by the way!) We used comfrey poultice on her broken toe too.

Today I’ve used comfrey for an inflamed shin wound and stinging nettle tea for her lower back pain as well as encouragin more fluids and or course Reiki 😊

So yes, I hope you find this helpful. Remember to if you are going to use these to do some of your own research first. Check the articles out below. With all medicines, whether it’s plant based or not some do have contraindication ♥️

This content is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of such advice or treatment from a personal physician

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