Connect in live to get tips to get rid of depression, anxiety, restlessness and sleepless nights


Coming live on this Saturday 26th November at sharp 12 pm on Facebook and YouTube (Tarot with Dr. Lavina Gupta) to give tips to get rid of depression, anxiety, restlessness and sleepless nights. You can ask free questions during live session.
Stay tuned.
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Dr. Lavina Gupta is a Spiritual Healer and a Light Worker. Since her childhood she had spiritual inclination.
You will get all the answers of your questions like who are we? Where do we come from? Why have we taken birth? What we have to do in our life?
Presently, She is the Founder And Proprietor Of “Soul Searcher Research Training & Healing Foundation”.
Her mission is to Enlighten and Awaken the Spiritual Gifts in each and every soul living in this planet. She has transformed thousands of human lives with her universal guidance and assistance, and the count still continues…

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