Cori Nielson | Birth Reiki | Learning to Birth


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Cori has a BS in Education, a Master’s in Divinity, is a Reiki Master Teacher, a Dar Shem Reiki Master, and an award-winning public speaker with over four decades of experience. She is the mother of five and grandmother of five. Cori’s natural birth experiences, the first physically painful and emotionally scarring, the second pain-free and empowering at 39 years, led her to teach other couples how to do the same, creating the Sacred Childbirth with Reiki™ Method of Natural Childbirth. The persistent feeling of being out of synch with her life, because of her own birth and childhood experiences, and the 40 years of work she did to get aligned with her highest soul-purpose created the Ignite Your Soul Purpose Program, where her clients can heal and align with their soul-purpose in six months or less.

25 Ways Reiki Eases Pregnancy and Childbirth, Tips on how Reiki is the perfect tool for baby and mom

Free Phone BIRTH BREAKTHROUGH SESSION – explore what your blocks are to having the birth you want.

FB: Sacred Birth and Rebirth Reiki

Watch more Learning to Birth videos at htp:// and

What’s Learning to birth?
It’s is a trusted and vibrant learning platform for moms-to-be. A one-stop resource for everything women and their support persons need to know to reclaim birth for yourself.
It supports evidence-based practice and traditional approaches to care.
Learning to Birth showcases maternity care providers passionate about what they do in intimate, exclusive, 1 hour interviews.
Women and families across the globe need to have access to the information our speakers give in their exclusive interviews.
It is a platform where women and families learn to embrace childbirth, stay in control and celebrate it.



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