Distant Reiki Healing: Diffuse Negative Blocks & Subconscious Negativity


Within this video you will receive clearings from the third eye, throat, sacral, and solar plexus chakras. As I was tuning into the energy of this video, these are the primary energy centers that are being asked to be cleared right now, so that new/higher vibrational energy can come in.

There are activations within this healing sessions that will assist with opening your third eye up to receive your divine gifts, and help you to integrate them after the session has ended. As we move to the solar and sacral energy centers, the healing session is working to bring balance to the masculine and feminine within us, tapping into any deep seeded wounding and allowing for those to be lifted to God. Finally we activate the sacred throat center, allowing you to truly feel into the energy that is around you and understand that the emotions you may be feeling at this time may not be yours, but more in the collective. By receiving this healing session, you will be able to understand what energy is yours and which is not, allowing you to navigate these cosmic waves of change with more grace and ease.

I am a divine channel, angelic intuitive, and energy work with the christ consciousness to bring forth messages and healing that will help to raise the vibration of humanity and the planet as the collective awakens during this Golden Age of Miracles.

This channel is for beginners and advanced light workers who are looking to step into their self-mastery, and truly live and embody Heaven on Earth.

What you will receive? Energy Healing, Light Body Activations, Quantum Healing, DNA Activations, Angel Readings and Energy Updates for the Collective, Channeled Messages from the star nations, angels, and ascended masters as well as Tips & Tricks on Embodying your Self-Mastery.


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