Divine Interventions: Season 1, Episode 1 – Introduction to Spiritual Healing and why it matters


In my first podcast, I talk about why spiritual healing matters and how we often open to it when we are experiencing some kind of calamity that doesn’t yield to our old problem-solving methods or other treatment.

Disillusionment in something about our lives or the world is almost always a part of the beginning of our path as a spiritual seeker. This process can be really painful. It isn’t always necessary, but it’s very common. It’s those events that shatter our hopes that begin to break down our egos, so that we can let go of what we think we know and can be receptive to something new from a higher dimension.

Maybe you suddenly feel drawn to books about angels, or energy healing, or God, and you are a bit embarrassed because you think of yourself as a logical person? You are in good company. There are many like you, and we find each other when we’re ready. Something in us has said, unconsciously or otherwise, “Something is really off. There must be a better way than what the world has to offer.”

This podcast will be a place to share about spiritual healing topics, non-duality, tips and tricks to save time, etc. It is my greatest hope for our time together that I provide you lots of inspiration.

You are never alone. And you are very Loved.


Laura Schopen, M.S., is a Holy Fire & Karuna Reiki Master Teacher, a certified angel intuitive, a clinical hypnotherapist, and a spiritual life coach. She has been a student of A Course in Miracles since 1987. Today she works with people wanting Reiki healing or other healing interventions, and she teaches Reiki classes. Visit www.lauraschopen.com and www.angelsandreiki.com.


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