Dose of Healing Quantum Reiki 9 11 28 PM


Experience quantum reiki healing
…come back any time to receive the healing!

✨Experience the difference in how Usui, Karuana & Quantum Reiki feel
✨PLUS how I combine quantum reiki WITH usui and karuna to create a quantum level healing


If you’re ready to take the next step on YOUR journey as a healer, my Quantum Reiki Certification Program is for you

✨Learn Quantum Reiki Level I, II {{AND}} Master.

✨ Fully Supported Self Paced lessons available at your convenience

✨Private facebook group for questions & content

✨Weekly Live videos for Q&A, full support in group during business hours

✨Attunement & Official Certification will be given

& ((option to add)

✨Launch Your Quantum Reiki Biz Academy to help you launch your Quantum Reiki Biz with EASE

DM: Quantum Reiki for deets.

Instagram: @xo_christianjones


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