Siddhii Shaah with Dragon Reiki – Powerful and Speedy Healing for Life Masterclass with The Mystic Lotus and Dragonflies.
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00:00- Call begins
04:32- Fascinating Introduction to Dragons!
14:38- Super-Unique! Types & Hierarchy in Dragons
55:10- Dragon Reiki for Health, Visa & More!
01:01:43- Pain down IN MINUTES with Dragon Healing
01:32:31- Why you must know Dragon Reiki
02:02:46- Receive Dragon Healing for Wish Fulfilment!
Highlights from the Call
1. Dragons stand for good fortune, rains, harvesting, wisdom, positive guidance, empowering manifestation and lots more!
2. Dragon Reiki healing helps with skin concerns, weight release, unblocking monies, enhancing children’s focus and many more areas of life
3. Did you know these types of Dragons?
– Earth Dragons – Also known as green dragons. Keep you grounded. Give you guidance and wisdom
– Air Dragons – Boost alertness, mental prowess, concentration. Helps heal air borne ailments
– Water Dragons – Nurturing. Work on your emotions, and heal faster. They have ‘best friend’ energies
– Fire dragons – Cleansing, transforming, help with psychic protection and are power boosting
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