EWTS: Distance Healing 1 #english #podcast #energyhealer #distancehealing #wisdom #distancereiki


Episode 19
Join Ema and Tanvir (both Energy workers who use distance healing in some different ways) for a fascinating discussion, as they explore the subject of distance healing. How it works, its benefits and drawbacks, and what to expect from a distance/remote healing session.

This session focuses on answering some commonly asked questions about Distance Healing, with an honest, down-to-earth approach.

00:00:00 Introduction
00:00:35 Self-intro to Ema’s background in distance healing
00:02:35 Q1. What is distance healing?
00:02:58 Some ways in which a healer can connect with the person they’re healing
00:03:44 Follow-up question – the difference between in-person and remote/distance healing
00:04:09 The need for open-mindedness
00:04:33 How a distance session might begin – opening conversation
00:04:55 Leaving the video call open during the session vs ending the call before the session
00:05:10 Advice/preparations for the healing recipient, before a distance healing session
00:06:57 Follow-up question
00:07:08 Are there any modalities other than Reiki, which can work as distant/remote healing?
00:07:14 About the history of spiritual people (Buddhists & others) connecting with people who were in need, through deep meditation, working in the energy field to send Metta (lovingkindness) and help
00:09:09 Ema’s experience of what it’s like to give Shiatsu as a distance treatment. How she physically gives Shiatsu as a distance treatment.
00:09:30 How receivers of distance Shiatsu experienced the treatments
00:09:40 Different modalities will feel different
00:09:57 Q2. How does a practitioner connect with the receiver, remotely?
00:10:15 Answer: connection is a practice. There are different tools a practitioner can make use of, depending on what works for them as individuals & what their tradition/training is
00:10:38 The distance symbol of Reiki, how it works and how we can use it (if attuned to Level 2 of Usui Reiki)
00:11:26 Shiatsu connection via alignment/posture – using the body to connect to the field
00:12:14 Finding a practice that enables a practitioner to get used to going into the “connected” state.
00:14:32 Torsten Lange’s ReikiScience – water experiments which showed changes to the crystalline structure of tap water after Reiki was sent (from London to Switzerland) using the distance symbol. (link below)
00:17:40 Tanvir summarises the Water Healing experiments by Masaru Emoto
00:18:37 Q3. Does someone need to believe in distance healing for it to work for them?
00:19:00 There’s no need to believe in distance healing for it to work
00:19:33 Suggested approaches to help avoid blocking distance healing (especially for people with a scientific/rationalist perspective)
00:20:17 How our self-protective mechanisms (AKA ego) can “protect” (block) good things/positive energies being sent to us, from being received – and the fact that it’s necessary to open ourselves energetically, in order to receive distance healing
00:20:51 Ema’s experience of someone blocking a face to face Reiki treatment
00:22:05 The need to be honest with yourself if you’re considering trying an energetic treatment
00:22:17 The difference between open-minded honest scepticism and outright blocking, to the effectiveness and experience of an energy treatment
00:23:00 Q4. What kind of issues can distance healing help with
00:23:15 Answer: The same things you’d treat with a face to face session, and more. It’s more accessible to those with trauma, mobility/psychological/emotional issues where travel/the physical presence of the healer might be a trigger or an issue
00:25:37 Distance treatments for animals
00:26:00 Closing

Torsten Lange’s website – details of his scientific research proving the existence of Reiki
Video Link:

Contact information for Ema Melanaphy :
YouTube: @ReikiEma “Whole Healing Wisdom”
Facebook : reikiema.therapy
Instagram: @reikiema @reikiema.academy.uk @reikiema.4theanimals

Contact information for Tanvir Anowar (Holistic Home Healer):
YouTube: @TanvirAnowar
Facebook: HolisticHomeHealer
Instagram @TanvirAnowar


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