February Energy Update From The Akashic Records


Hi I’m Kirsty a Akashic Record reader and clearer, Reiki Master Teacher, Multtidimensional healer along with many other modalities under my belt.

I love to go into the Collective Akashic Records each month to do an energy report so you know what to expect for the month ahead as well as any tips or advice direct from the records as it’s our mission to help the collective through ascension.

The Akashic Records are the souls energetic memory since it left source. It’s the storage facility for every conscious being and accessing them is like a google search for the soul.

The records allow you to connect to your higher self, and your Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones (your Akashic Guides) accessing information from past, present, and future. It allows us to understand life from the souls point of view. Accessing the Akashic Records works with the 5th dimension and above.

If you would like and individual reading going into your akashic records you can book a session with me here-

To book a Akashic record clearing, which can really help if you are having trouble moving through life, you can book a session here-

Or to learn more about my Reiki and Energy Healing Trainings, you can find out more and book here-

Thanks for being here, if you enjoyed this report, please support us by giving a like and subscribing, and drop a comment below to let me know what resonated for you xx

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