Goddess Reiki Attunement & Activation Certification Level 1 and 2


These unique training programs are designed by Light Energy Intuitive Lisa Gniady & Veronica Ruiz of Sacred Divine Goddess.

What makes our Goddess Reiki Level 1 Training Different?

This Goddess Reiki training will be a day weaved with Ritual, Partner Connection, Meditation, and Creative Movement to spark the Kundalini Goddess Energy. We will call in the Earth Mother to renew our Feminine connection to the Mother of all Healers. Our journey begins with Ceremony to merge with the collective sisterhood energy, opening the next layer of our Consciousness. Through guided Meditation we will explore our Inner world, Illuminating the Magic within. There is nothing more rewarding than improving yourself to help Heal the world.

Healing Power of Goddess Reiki

You tap into an Infinite Source of Power when you combine the Ancient Symbols of Usui Reiki & Goddess Reiki in a Ritualistic manner, activating the Divine Feminine. You will receive a New Goddess Light Activation Code along with codes for Clearing, Grounding and Protection. Through Ceremony we will create a Healing Sanctuary of Sisterhood as we Elevate our Consciousness, Activate our Priestess selves and open a channel to our Pure compassionate heart.

What is the benefit to taking our Level 1 Goddess Reiki Training even if you are already trained?

​Learn about:

The Ancient Codes & Sacred Symbols

Healing through Love, Light & Intention

Ritual and Ceremony

Being a channel of Healing Golden Light

The Mystical Ways

Goddess Energies: Kuan Yin, Kali, Isis, Mother Mary, Magdalene

The Chakra System

Chakra Crystals

7 layers of the Aura

Essential Oils

Creating Sacred Space

Usui Reiki Symbols & history

How to Clear, Activate & Protect the Healing Space

Vibrational Healing Tones

The Illusion of the Ego

Elemental Clearing

Reiki Hand Positions

Calling in Goddesses and Ascended Masters

Being a conduit of Universal Energy, opening your heart and helping heal humanity


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