Golden Light Healing – BINAURAL BEATS Meditation Music – Endorphin Release – Reiki Charged – RELAX


Recharge yourself with healing Reiki energy, with this Light Healing charged music. These meditation sounds contain binaural beats to help you get back into balance. They are said to calm your nervous system, mind, and soul on the deepest level.

Allow the balancing of your Chakras through the Golden Light Healing Reiki energy and therefore influence all areas of your life in a positive way. In order to receive the healing and balancing Reiki energy of this video, agree in your mind and heart to do so, as your free will is key to any and all healing. This Reiki-charged music is endowed with the best intentions for your healing journey. Remember, only what is for your highest and greatest good will enter your life with this, while you choose your path forward from here.

The Endorphine release that is triggered by the Binaural beats, will bring you into a state of happiness and bliss. Use headphones, if you want to get the full benefit of the binaural beats. This can also help you get into deeper states of meditation and relax your mind.

Get comfortable, take a deep breath and relax!

xo Kat


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