Welcome to GUIDED MEDITATION – TIMELINE JUMPING – BLACK SCREEN – REIKI video to guide you with a yoga nidra meditation, infused with high powered Reiki to assist you in astral traveling to the quantum field where you will view your various timelines to the multiverse.

Prior to the meditation decide which aspect of yourself you wish to experience. Once you reach the quantum field I will invite you to choose the timeline of your dreams and to experience that version of yourself.

It is important to fully experience yourself as that version of you which has already obtained what you are seeking. The more you experience this fully, the more you can bring that energy back with you when you return to your physical body in this universe here.

Whether you want to obtain the career of your dreams, a better physique, less depression or you simply want to experience timeline jumping, this meditation will change your experience in this world for the better. We are all energy and there is so much more to life that what meets the eye.

Never give up on yourself or your happiness! You are what you are seeking.

Headphones are recommended.

Original script written, spoken and produced by Nitya Vink. No reproduction allowed.

Music: RelaxingTime

#astralprojection #guidedmeditation #reiki #timelinejumping #guidedmeditationforastralprojection #reikihealingmusic #asmr #softfemalevoice #quantum #quantumfield #guidedsleepmeditation #sleep #sleepmusic #yoganidra #oobe #obe #outofbodyexperience #parasympatheticnervoussystem #quantum #nsdr #astraltravel #astral #subconsciousmind #superconsciousmind #astralprojections #mindreprogramming #energyhealing #sleep #guidedmeditationasmr #anxietyrelief #removefear #blackscreen #reikihealing #yoganidra

We are all blessed on this journey. Thank you and have a beautiful rest!

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