Heal your scarcity and lack mindset & create ABUNDANCE! by Overcoming Underearning & Ho'oponopono


Do you think – or know – you may be an Underearner?
Watch this exclusive Live replay exploring your relationship with money, abundance, and scarcity mindset.
Learn how you can start today to heal your relationship with money!
Be sure to stay till the end of the session to hear about her NEW exclusive group program offering that will support you in creating a rich & abundant 2024!
Specific Reiki + Ancestral Clearing will be given around themes of healing and clearing limiting beliefs and old wounds related to money blocks.

Please follow Natalie below and reach out to schedule spiritual life coaching, intuitive Tarot reading, or a Reiki+Ancestral Clearing personalized session! She is also taking on a few new students for Reiki training, so if you want to become a Reiki practitioner or Reiki Master Teacher, send her a message to apply.
Whenever you are finding this video, the messages and energy are for you!

You can find Natalie at:

Try her guided meditations on Insight Timer and give her a follow to stay in touch –

TikTok – NEW! @nataliemspeakman

🌟Find all links here – 🌟

Natalie’s money program is inspired by the following books that you can purchase below on Amazon:

How to Solve All Your Money Problems Forever by Victor Bok-

Get Rich Lucky Bitch by Denise Duffield-Thomas-

Overcoming Underearning by Barbara Stanney-

Natalie uses Lightseer’s Tarot and Osho Zen Tarot card decks. Want your own?
Get them here from Amazon:

Lightseer’s Tarot

Osho Zen Tarot

#replay #insighttimer #reiki #energyhealing #ancestralhealing #tarot #tarotcards #oraclecards #lightseers #oshozentarot #meditation #mindfulness #metta #selfcompassion #lovingkindness #nataliemspeakman #spirituallifecoach #abrahamhicks #conversationswithgod #acourseinmiracles #michaelsinger #alanwatts #innerchildhealing #hooponopono #abundance #mindset #moneyblocks


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