Here’s How Energy Healing Works | TN Plus


Pranic Healing is an energy healing modality that was developed in the ’80s by Grandmaster Choa Kok Sui and practised in over 120 countries around the globe.

It is based on two simple laws of nature:

Our bodies have a natural ability to heal themselves
Everything is energy & everything is dependent on energy (life force, prana or chi) to remain alive & healthy

Pranic Healers claim to have helped in healing a large amount of Covid-19 cases past 2 years and also claim to have the ability to help in healing severe physical ailments like cancer, organ failure & heart problems. Pranic Healers also claim to have the ability to help in healing & dealing with mental health-related issues like anxiety, depression and other mental illnesses.

Pranic healing is not an alternative to traditional medicine or pharmaceutical medication but serves the purpose of an to aid physical medication.

The school of Pranic Healing believes that anyone can become a healer if one has the willingness to learn.
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For any further information on Pranic healing Log on to:
Or call: +91 9769364264

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