How Horses Can Help You Be a Better Practitioner


This week we delve into the magic of horses and how we can best support them. Did you know that scientists have proven that the horse has evolved for the past 45-55 million years! They have been with us since the beginning of time!

In the U.S., horses are this nation’s oldest treasures. There are wild horses in the U.S. that date back 300 years. YET, they are being rounded up and disposed of like annoying garbage. 😞

We owe a debt of gratitude to horses that is long overdue, so we wanted to dedicate our session and our meditation to horses and to all they’ve given us.

The Let Animals Lead¼ method of Animal Reiki works very well with horses because it is passive and doesn’t try to “fix” anything. This wonderful article by Kathleen Prasad ( highlights why our practice works so well with traumatized horses.

Here are our tips if you want to work with horses – whether you have experience or not!

1. When approaching a rescue to offer the Let Animals LeadÂź method of Animal Reiki services, share with them that your approach is rooted in meditation. Emphasize that you don’t require physical contact with the horse, nor do you need to be in close proximity to them. Additionally, make it clear that if the horse expresses discomfort or disinterest, you will willingly remove yourself. Sharing these steps not only highlights your deep respect for the horse but also reflects your regard for the rescue.
2. Remember to position yourself outside the pasture or stall. A good rule of thumb in an open pasture is to leave a distance of at least 20 feet between you and the horse(s) that are present. It’s crucial to prioritize the horse’s autonomy and allow them the freedom to decide whether they want to engage with us.
3. When you approach a horse, make sure to approach them from the side. Horses have limited visibility when someone approaches them directly from the front. You never want to startle them.
4. Always approach a horse(s) slowly and mindfully. No sudden movements! Remember, they are prey animals and can spook easily.
5. Mirror the horse’s movements. If the horse steps towards you, you can take a step towards them. If they step away from you, back away from them.
6. Horses may show their emotions with their ears. If they are forward, that’s a hello. Ears back, they are unsure, and pinned back is a very clear signal to move back and away from them. If you are standing behind them, they may also cock their back leg and look at you. They are giving you the signal to move away or be kicked.
7. If you find your mind wandering when you are with a horse, consider bringing in chanting. Yes, chanting! As long as you are comfortable with the chant, you will find that horses respond positively. No, you’re not doing some cool trick. Your energy comes into balance when you chant and, it’s our belief, that chanting helps magnify your energy. But make sure you are comfortable with the chant. If not, you could come across like someone singing off-key!
8. REMEMBER! When you visit any animal, but especially horses, you are coming into their home. Always be respectful and watch for signals that you are not wanted.

Be sure to listen to the recording to learn more!

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