How To Attune Yourself To Reiki – [in Under 5 mins]


How To Attune Yourself To Reiki – [in Under 5 mins]

In this video, we will be talking about how to attune yourself to Reiki in a very short amount of time. We’ll cover the basics of what you need to know before your Reiki attunement and give you a few tips on how to get the most out of your experience.

I hope this video helps you find peace and happiness in your life.

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Since Reiki is an energy, it can be transmitted to you through other people attuned to Reiki. You don’t need to know the person giving you the attunement, and they don’t need to know anything about your personal history.

First things first: How is something like this possible? How do we explain it when we claim that somebody is transmitting Reiki energies–universal life-force energies–to us?

You may have heard about a concept called “morphogenetic fields,” which are thought of as information stores within our atmosphere (and beyond) that operate at quantum levels; in these fields, all information is shared instantaneously. Within every living thing on this planet, there exists a morphogenetic field that holds all information pertinent to that specific life-form. In other words, it contains all information necessary for the specific living thing to grow and develop from a fertilized egg into a mature adult form, and everything in between.

This is why plants can respond to music–because their morphogenetic fields contain the potential of a particular song or melody inside them, and then they play this “song” when prompted by an external stimulus. You may have heard about some people intentionally walking across freshly planted fields of wheat without disturbing the plants’ growth; this is based on these same principles of morphogenetics, which tell us that there is no difference between walking conductive materials over a grass field and walking conductive materials over dirt/sand/etc.,

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Antojai Shamanic Wellness. The home of the Original Quantum Reiki Method, and Antojai Quantum Alchemy! We are a Global community helping Lightworkers, Starseeds, Energy Healers, Psychics, and those working on their spiritual journey towards ascension grow their skills by enriching their journey with sacred knowledge. We use Meditation, 1:1 Coaching, Quantum Tarot, Courses, and Shamanic healing to turn your Ascension into a Lifestyle.

How To Attune Yourself To Reiki – [in Under 5 mins]

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