How To Cure Insomnia, Body and Mind | Water Fasting


In this video I am talking about how to cure insomnia, digestive issues by fasting. Also how it improved my liver and thyroid health through fasting and overall level energy and mental clarity. I also share practical tips and insights on preparing for a fast. How to make fasting easier and more effective. Get ready to see fasting in a new light.

00:00 – Intro
00:48 – What Made Me to Fast, My Problems
05:39 – Motivation
05:42 – First Three days
10:15 – Colon Cleanse
12:58 – Electrolytes
13:28 – Taking Off From Sleeping Drugs
14:30 – Breaking A Fast
18:05 – Meditation, Breathing Techniques, Reiki
20:15 – Results
23:46 – Bowel Movements
24:15 – Result 2
25:38 – Result 3
26:31 – Result 4
27:02 – Cons
28:09 – Con 2
30:14 – Con 3
31:52 -Conclusion

#fasting #waterfasting #intermittentfasting #insomnia #biohacking #ketogenicdiet #keto


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