Welcome to my channel…
I am a Tarot reader, Numerologist, Reiki Healer, Dietician and Educator(NEET Biology) by profession. I also teach all the healing modalities like Zibu Symbol, Numerology, Astrology, Crystal therapy, Reiki Healing, Tarot , Cartomancy, Switchwords , Angelic Healing and Energy Circles
This is a general reading may or may not resonate with all.
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For personal readings pls email at infinitetarotsciences@gmail.com.
Charges for the Tarot reading:
1 Yes or No question with short description- Rs 100 or 2$
1 career or relationship question (15 mnts session)- Rs 200 or 3$
1 career or relationship question with oracle card guidance (20 mnts session)-Rs 300 or 5$
Unlimited questions in 30 minutes session+ 20 minutes counselling session – Rs 1000 or 15$
Comment if reading resonates and let me know your question on which you want me to make a video..
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# tarot reading #Novemember 2020#Cancer#Tarot
# tarot predictions
# November Predictions
# general reading# Aries# Hindi # pick a card
Comment if reading resonates and let me know your question on which you want me to make a video..
# tarot reading #Novemember 2020#Cancer#Tarot
# tarot predictions
# November Predictions#gemini #geminihoroscope #geminioctober2020 #geminihindi #geminilovereading #october2020 #lovehoroscope #happimappi #soulmatekamessage #lovemessagereading #allsignsoctober2020 #octoberhindi #octoberprediction #octoberhoroscope #octoberlovereading #nocommunication #kyawoapkomisskarrahehain #aretheyhappywithoutyou #kyawokhushhainapkebagher #kyawocontactkareinge #kyawoapkocommitmentdeinge #willtheygiveyoucommitment #kyawoapseshadikareinge #willtheymarryyou #hindilovereading #haveyoumetyoursoulmate #kyaapapnesoulmatesemilchukayho #soulmatereading #apkasoulmatekonhai #kyamainunkomessagekaroon #shallireachout #nocontactreading #monthlyreading #piscesoctober2020 #willhemessage #willshemessage #scorpiooctoberber2020 #canceroctober2020 #taurusoctoberber2020 #libraoctoberber2020 #leooctoberber2020 #Aquariusoctoberber2020 #virgooctoberber2020 #Ariesoctober2020 #Sagittariusoctober2020 #geminioctober2020 #Capricornoctober2020 #october2020horoscope #octobertarot #octoberberpredictions #charms #kyaapkaunkesathpatchuphoga #willyoureconcile #exreading #kyawoapkopyarkartehain #dotheymissyou #october2020lovereading #hindilovereading #tarot #timeless #kyawoapkomisskartehain #dotheyloveyou #theircurrentfeelings #unkicurrentfeelingskyahain #theircurrentfeelingstowardsyou #apkebaraymeinwokyasochtehain #loveread #woapkebaraymeinkyasochtehain #willyoureconcilewithyourperson #willtheycomeback #kyawoapkomisskartehain #hindidotheymissyou #futurekyahoga #hindilovereading #timeless #whatscominginlove #lovelifemeinkyahonewalahai #nocommunication #whatiskeepingthemaway #kyacheezunkoapsedurrakhrahihai #kyaunkilifemeinkoiorhai #whatsnextinthisconnection #dotheyhavesomeoneelseintheirlife #kyaunkilifemeinkoiaurhai #kyaunkilifemeinapkeilawakoiaurhai #august2020 #piscesaugust2020 #scorpioaugust2020 #junelovereading #dotheymissyou #kyawoapkomisskartehain #pickacardhindi #hindireading # willhecomeback #willshecomeback #willtheycomeback #kyawoapkepaaswapisaenge #theircurrentfeelings #theircurrentfeelingsforyou #hindipickadeck #willhecomebackhindi #youvsthem #youvstheminthisconnection #apaikdusrekbaraymeinkiasochteho #apisconnectionkokeselete ho #youvsthemhindi #willtheyunblockyou #willtheymessage #willyoureconcile #areyoucomingbacktogether #pickacard #biweeklylovereading #weeklylovereading #whatscomingupinlovelife #Pisces #whatsnextinlove #pisceslovereading #whatscomingupforyouinyourlovelife #may2020 #tarot #valentinesday2020 #mayhoroscope2020 #valentinesday #whoscomingtowardsyou2020 #year2020 #piscesjuly2020 #gemini #Pisces #scorpio #Sagittarius #Libra #leo #Capricorn #Aquarius #Virgo #aries
#whoscomingtowardsyouinlove #pickacard #pickadeck #taurus #pisceshoroscope #tarot #oraclereading #divine #messages #love #lovereading #soulmate #twinflame #ex #horoscope #astrology #colour #weekly
# general reading# Aries# Hindi # pick a card
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Article Tags: #lovelife · career · future · general · ggeppsgvtarot · Hindi · predictions · tarot · urdu