How to write content for therapists and healers


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For our Industry Insights series, I’m sharing ideas for content that’s aimed at specific sectors. And even if the sector I’m talking about isn’t directly related to yours, there will still be plenty of tips you can pick up and bring into your own business, so keep watching.

For today’s video, I’m sharing content tips for therapists and healers, to show you in your best light.

As a therapist and/or healer, a content marketing strategy might be the last thing on your mind. If you don’t give this some thought though, how do you plan to attract more clients?

In an increasingly crowded arena, having a voice that stands out is more important than ever to keep your practice working for you.

Not only does regular content attract new clients to your business, it can also help you focus on what you want your unique offering to be.

I hope you’ll find some useful ideas in this video that will help spread the word about your business. And if you’d like more details about today’s specific industry, and to check out additional blogs that accompany this ‘Industry Insights’ video series, go to:

And if writing content feels like an uphill challenge for you and you’d like some advice and support from the experts, feel free to get in touch with us and book a FREE content review:


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