I am in my desire (reiki)


Dear watcher,
This reiki is to help you with embracing and accepting that you are already in your desired reality and everything is already unfolding or unfolded before you. It is done.
*this video has 369 Hz and 639 Hz playing in the background*

This is (supposedly) for entertainment purposes only.
There is (supposedly) no guarantee that this will work.
I am not a doctor or health expert.
Results are up to you and what you assume to be true.

You can do your own research about reiki and law of assumption. You got this, you are capable of everything and anything.
With unconditional love, Ruby.

I will take video suggestions under consideration.
Feel free to leave tips if you would like but you don’t have to
Venmo @crimmsontarot
Cashapp $colassalnumber5


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