Iava karuna reiki healing symbol of awakening to pursue our dreams, unconditional love,self worth


Iava karuna reiki symbol of reality and truth

Iava helps protection against any addictions, illusions,false childhood conditionings, and manipulations by opening the channel to reality.

Iava will help us take responsibility to create our own destiny to pursue our dreams, authentic ideas and clear the influence of others or co-dependency.

The 4 loops on the Iava symbol represent the 4 elements of earth, water, fire and air.

It helps to balance and integrate earth, fire, wind, and water with the 5th element spirit.

Activating Iava symbol on all your chakras for self-treatment will help you remove the negative mental patterns or false beliefs and make you understand the divine universal consciousness.

Draw it over –

-your crown chakra to get clarity of thoughts.

-the Heart chakra for unconditional love.

-on your Earth Star chakra to connect to the nature.

Iava works well with harth to help overcome addictions.


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