Illuminating Pluto in Aquarius with Galactic Astrology & Reiki


#plutoinaquarius #astrology #reiki #astrologer #reikimaster

Illuminating Pluto in Aquarius with Galactic Astrology & Reiki

🌞♒️ Join me for a very unique class, as Pluto re-enters Aquarius on Saturday, January 20, 2024!

⬇️ All the details ⬇️
For me, both Reiki & Astrology deliver Divine Guidance in their uniquely complementary ways.
Astrology has confirmed what I was already sensing intuitively…
It has given me the foresight to know with certainty that the next 20+ years will be highly activating for me, in a Plutonian way.
And so I am committed to start Pluto in Aquarius off fully empowered in the Reiki energy with all who feel the call and the pull to open up to and receive this energy with GRACE.
♒️⚡️ Would you like to know what this 20-year transit means for you?
♒️⚡️ Do you wish to receive guidance & clarity about how to work with Pluto in Aquarius for your highest good?
♒️⚡️ Do you wish to explore & invite in the higher frequencies available within this transit?
In the upcoming class, Illuminating Pluto in Aquarius, we will bring in & reveal the highest, most aligned & grace-filled expression of this transit for you AND empower this for the collective as well.
Know what this transit means astrologically, galactically, and most important of all…
Reveal YOUR Inner Truth & YOUR Inner Guidance about Pluto in Aquarius 2024 & beyond!
*It will be recorded, if you can’t attend live, and you WILL be included in the circle.*

⬇️ All the details ⬇️

I’m honored to connect with you soul to soul & Spirit to Spirit! 🙏😇

🌚 FREE Every Month: New Moon Distant Reiki Share

🤍 Reiki Sessions
🌙 Astrological Consultations
💫 Galactic Astrology Soul Readings
💥 Ancient Starlight Mini-Reading & Full Readings

🌀 Reiki Certification Classes 🔥

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🥗 Raw Food Ayurveda Recipe eBooks

Take a Galactic Astrology Course with Julia Balaz (affiliate link 💙)

Taylor Ann Norris, M.S. is a Usui/Holy Fire® III/World Peace Karuna Reiki® Master and Professional Member of the Reiki Membership Association. She empowers others with Usui/Holy Fire® III/World Peace Reiki Classes and sessions online.

Taylor is also a passionate Certified Galactic Astrology Soul Reading / Quantum Soul Guidance Practitioner. She integrates advanced Reiki techniques and intuition into her Galactic Astrology Soul Readings for clients’ healing, guidance, and empowerment. She is also certified through Bernadette Brady’s Star School to work with ancient fixed star techniques to illuminate the soul and spirit before the horoscope and uncover your true star sign.

Her favorite questions to ask for herself and clients are: “Who am I?” “Why am I here?” “Where do I come from?” and “Where am I going next?” Her dream is to co-create Heaven on Earth and empower Cosmic Peace, guiding you home to Heaven on Earth Within, Through Reiki and Astrology.

Taylor is a certified Yoga Teacher, Certified Holistic Health Coach. She has shared hundreds of holistic health coaching sessions and Reiki sessions, and an exponentially growing number of astrology readings. She is the author of 3 volumes of Raw Food Ayurveda. 

Reiki is guiding her in the development of Flower of Healing™ Reiki, which integrates Holistic Health, Reiki, and Astrology to help humans adapt to change and thrive during transition.

Youtube: Taylor Norris Reiki
Instagram ~ @taylornorrisreiki

Discover Your Dosha (free quiz) ➡️ (affiliate link)

Raw Food Ayurveda PAPERBACKS
➡️ Volume 1 ~
➡️ Volume 2 ~
➡️ Volume 3 ~

® Holy Fire and Karuna Reiki are registered service marks of William Lee Rand.
™ Flower of Healing is pending trademark of Taylor Ann Norris.


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