Immunity Booster Exercise with Reiki Healing use for 21 days.. restore health get well soon


Here is an immunity Booster Exercise for the restoration of your health whether mental , emotional or physical health.

Use it once daily.

This exercise audio is infused with Reiki and REIKI shall start flowing through your body as you start doing the exercise.

Enjoy the healing process and to learn about Reiki or to receive healing session in person or in distance.

Kindly WhatsApp me on +91 9136235496.

You can learn to heal yourself with Reiki as well. Thank you, blessings.

Please leave your comments for the audio and do share with those who are in the process of healing, recovering from long illnesses, uneasiness, diseases or ill health and even for those who have too much laziness or tiredness in their body.

Happy Healing ❤️


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