Instant Reiki 4x Energy Healing BOOSTER


For an extra boost, a very potent quadruple Reiki session! This Reiki has been charged with the purpose of dispelling obstacles and delivering you benefits so that you might bring about a “miracle” in your life. Reiki can be received while you are asleep, awake, occupied, or engaged in other activities without losing any of its power. Reiki always works for the best interests of the recipient. Only where it is wanted, Reiki’s infinite understanding affects matter at subtle levels.

The amount of healing energy you receive will depend on how accepting and receptive you are personally to receiving it. You are welcome to listen to this tape for distance healing as many times as you like. The healing energy infused in these films is strengthened each time you play them because these Reiki sessions have the potential to have cumulative effects. We all react to healing energy differently, thus our experiences can change from session to session. Depending on how susceptible a person is to energy. Simply unwind and take in the healing energy that is pouring to you.

This is a whole, “real time,” Reiki session that was recorded. I will dominate the session with my devoted and focused attention while channeling energy. I therefore refrain from speaking and keep quiet at all times. During the session, soothing background music is used to further encourage deeper relaxation. Please be open to receive the healing energy in order for Reiki to function properly. After getting Reiki, it is very important to drink water as part of the healing process.

Disclaimer: Energy healing techniques like Reiki do not guarantee the recovery from disease or the replacement of medical care.



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