KRIYA KARUNA REIKI Wishfulfillment Symbol for SUCCESS, Manifestation of MONEY, JOY & HAPPINESS


Kriya karuna reiki symbol can be used to manifest your desires as long as it is in alignment with God’s will. 

It will help in building business,profitable sales, growing the wealth/assets.

Getting good result in exams,
settings your priorities and preferences and achieving goals in life.

Healing the human family by flourishing the relationship with life partner or anybody.

Activating reiki symbol Kriya on the crown chakra visualizing the energy is coming from the Universe and your desires getting fulfilled with true clear intentions.

Symbols one being clockwise
connects one to the heaven (masculine energy) and the other anti-clockwise to the earth (feminine energy).can be drawn simultaneously with both hands.
People who are not comfortable doing so may draw first the symbol on the right side, then the one the left.



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