Kundalini Reiki Healing Music


What is Kundalini Reiki?
The term Kundalini Reiki means rolled up energy and refers to the coiled energy channel that resides in everyone’s body. This energy channel is coiled at the bottom of your spine , at the level of the root chakra .

In order to use this energy, it must be activated. The awakening of the energy channel is accompanied by strong spiritual, mental and physical feelings. After activation, you feel exceptionally well connected to the source of life.

Kundalini Reiki is an addition to the traditional Reiki system with more possibilities and applications for your own spiritual development and that of others. What does Kundalini Reiki do?
With Kundalini Reiki you work on the flow of the energy channels without blockages. Blockages in your energy channels can prevent your energy from flowing properly. When the energy does not flow properly, you suffer from physical and emotional imbalance.

Kundalini Reiki ensures that the balance in your chakras is restored and the energy can flow freely through the body. Kundalini Reiki therefore has a cleansing and stabilizing effect and ensures that you get more energy. Learning Kundalini Reiki: The Three Levels
It is advisable to start with a traditional Reiki course first. That way you become familiar with the method and the basic concepts. However, it is not necessary to take a traditional Reiki course first, you can also take a Kundalini Reiki course if you have not received traditional Reiki initiations in the past.

There are three levels of Kundalini Reiki courses : for beginners, advanced and masters. During a Kundalini Reiki course, your chakras and energy channels are cleansed and balanced, upon which the powerful Kundalini energy is activated.

After the course you can heal yourself , but also heal others directly or remotely with Kundalini energy. When you reach the title of Kundalini Reiki Master (the third level), you are also allowed to learn and initiate others in Kundalini Reiki.

Kundalini Reiki I & 2:
Will be able to heal self and others. Healing Karmic Bands, Situation Healing and Distance Healing.

Kundalini Reiki 3(Master):
Diamond Reiki, Crystalline Reiki, DNA Reiki, Birth Trauma Reiki, Location Reiki , Past Life Reiki included. Will be able attune self and others.

With manual and certificate.

#kundalinireiki #kundalinimusic #pranavidya


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