Light Language – New Earth Energy Supporting the Ascension Journey *30day Challenge (info below)


Light Language – New Earth Energies/Original blueprint of Shambhala *30day Challenge

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Contact me for a session: – 5D Consulting, LL/Reiki Healings, Alignments, Clearings & Activations along with Channeled Messages, Oracle Card Readings, Personal Light Language Video Recordings & a WHOLE LOT MORE
Or Contact me and Diana: – Team Energy Clearing Specialist, 5D Consulting, LL/Reiki, Channeled Messages & a WHOLE LOT MORE!

* I intend that this transmission be delivered & received with the highest vibrations of Divine Light & Love with the purest intensions for the highest and greatest good of all, & so it is!

Please only take what resonates & leave the rest. I LOVE you!!!

This is an incredibly powerful transmission packed with light codes resonating with the energies of the new earth and the blueprint of Shambhala. Engaging with this transmission will help you align with your soul blueprint allowing you to release all that is not in alignment with your souls truth. This transmission is designed to positively effect each and everyone differently depending on where they are on their journey. It will help to keep you aligned with the energies of the present, clear densities, limiting beliefs and blocks along with activating key codes, unlocking your DNA supporting your journey into greater light along with activating codes to your aspect of the mission.


A couple Game guide lines and tips that may be helpful:

Why do you want to play to begin with? What is your intention?

Be very honest to yourself, for the smoothest and least resistance ride. What do you really desire and want? (Not what you think you should do/be)

What is your vision? How does it FEEL to have embodied this version of yourself and/or cultivated the new skill(s)/habit(s).

If you want: Write your vision down, you can make a vision board that symbolizes the ‘vibe’ and feel of the vision, or record a voice note for yourself to describe what you see and how it feels. Expressing it will help you to get clear and you’ll have something to come back to any time you want.

What are you going to practically do on a day to day basis for the next 30 days? Write it down. Be as specific as you can. Think about the duration and other factors that you can measure.

If you want: Make a list with dates and the habit(s). So you can check off ✔️ once you’ve completed the habit(s). It is satisfying and it makes it visible and easier to track. Especially helpful between day 19 and 24, the days that are usually the hardest and therefor easiest to ‘forget’.

Keep in mind that 7x 5min is more valuable than 4x 30min a week. This challenges is about accountability, self credibility, discipline and being consistent.

Do I feel an absolutely ‘F*ck Yes’, I am for 100% committed? and no matter what, I am going to keep my promise? If not don’t start, go back and redefine. If yes: Let’s do this.

If you miss one day, make it an absolute priority to make it happen the next day. When you skip twice it is so much harder to get back at it, because you loose momentum.

If you really need an Off day, just schedule it in. No need to feel bad about it. It can actually be very productive to take a 1 day break when you need one, so you are fully ON again the next day. Just don’t take 2 Off days in a row and don’t make it a habit to take Off days.

Start with 1-3 solid habits (depending on the nature of the habits). It’s better to add every week a habit, than to have 10 new habits on your list to start with. Keeping your promise is your priority number one!

You don’t want to start running to the mountain top and crash at the first viewpoint, you want to enjoy the walk, make it to the top AND be changed forever because of it.

Please only take what resonates and leave the rest. It is YOUR game. Remember to breathe deep and drink lots of water & always use your own discernment, you are the master & creator of your vessel and reality.

Infinite Blessings
Heather Jean
Please reach out if you want a private session with LL, oracle card reading and channeled messages from your guides or your own personal light language video.


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