May Connecting Caregivers Conference – Brenda Griesheimer: Reiki Healing for Caregivers


Brenda will share Distance Reiki Energy Therapy to all participants during our 20-minute session. Distance Reiki is the practice of sending compassionate, healing energy as you relax and simply receive. Energy has no boundaries, so Distance Reiki can be just as effective as an in-person treatment. The energy is transferred non-physically to your subtle body through focused attention. Like electricity, we can’t explain it, but we use it because we know it works!

Brenda Griesheimer is a 72 yr old mother of 3 and gramma of 6, living in Seminole, FL, with her husband, Rick.

She became a Reiki Master/Teacher 7 yrs ago, not because of scientific proof, but because Reiki worked to remove her work-related stress knot within seconds the first time she tried it.

Brenda is excited every day as her friends, family and clients experience relief in body, mind and spirit through her Reiki Energy Therapy treatments.

Please visit Brenda’s website:

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