Mindset: How to use NLP, EFT, Reiki to help heal your mind and body


Ro is a Pediatric Nurse by day, but she is also a Life Coach + NLP + EFT + Reiki + TIME Techniques Practitioner + Clinical Hypnotherapist. She works with clients around the world to help them overcome bad habits & limiting beliefs!

NLP stands for Neuro-Linguistic Programming. To learn NLP is to learn the language of your mind. Once you have a better understanding of how your mind works, you become aware of how powerful your mindset is and you can learn how to use it to unlock your full potential.

Ro discusses a few of her favorite NLP techniques and how they work to change your mind and in turn– change your life.


Swish technique:

Mapping across:

EFT | Tapping: Emotional Freedom Technique. Helps to release, let go, or eliminate any emotion. Examples: anxiety and a lack of self-confidence,.

Energy healing technique: Reiki
Ro discusses Reiki and how we can all benefit from energy healing. (It is being used across the country in hospitals today as it becomes more mainstream)

“Our emotions cause energy that, if not healed, addressed or taken care of, can manifest in our body and make us sick.”

Try Reiki, NLP, EFT, or get a free consult with Ro today on Sofia Health:


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