Miraculous Side Effects of Reiki Attunement


Receiving my Reiki I training transformed my life. This video is the story of my first Reiki training and how I followed omens and my intuition to go from community organizing in Dallas to living in sacred shamanic community at Blue Thunder Lodge in Denton, TX.

Reiki has now (as of 2020) helped me heal from a disabling condition, improve my mental-emotional health, and reduce pain and headaches. Check out my channel to learn more about Reiki, how to develop your psychic powers, and for Reiki healing hope! I am amazed at the miracles I have experienced in my life thanks to Reiki

Check out my blog @
Book Reiki training, psychic development classes, and psychic readings online @

What Is Reiki & How Can I Learn? Playlist

Reiki Healing Naturally for Rheumatoid Arthritis Playlist

Energy Hygiene for Empaths Playlist

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