My Seichim Reiki Initiation Experience


I had the craziest experience yesterday morning!

Spirit guided me through a beautiful past-life integration during my self-Reiki practice.

I’ve been doing a lot of shadow & past life work lately, and it was time to integrate everything I’ve done. I journaled after and felt so peaceful…

Suddenly, I was guided back into Reiki state! Words cannot describe what happened next.

Mikau Usui discovered Reiki by practicing mountain austerity training.
He fasted on the Kurama-yama mountain in Japan for 21 days, and at the end he suddenly felt One Great Reiki over his head, which became Usui Reiki.

Patrick Zeigler, founder of Seichim Reiki meditated all night in the Pyramid of Giza in Egypt, and received a powerful initiation that led to Seichim or Sekhem Reiki.

These initiations are not limited to these incredible Reiki Masters! We ALL have this capacity to receive Reiki.

During a Reiki Course, you will receive a Reiki attunement whereby you get attuned to Reiki energy.

What happened to me yesterday was a spontaneous (divinely timed?) Seichim Reiki All-Love initiation. This will start happening more and more for many of us! This is just the beginning.

Want to learn more? Book in for a Reiki Course! Link in bio!

PS pls excuse my red face, filmed straight after hot pilates this morning!


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