Negative Energy Removal with Reiki Master✨ 10 Minute Clearing Protection Meditation🙏 Healing Music🎶


I hope you enjoy this Distance Reiki Energy Healing Session for negative energy removal. This is a calming 10-minute meditation music video featuring sound therapy in the form of calming music and powerful healing violet light. My intention is to clear your aura, pluck out all negative energy, align your chakras, and send you uplifting energy. While this session is specific to release of negativity, it can also be used for general healing. Reiki is helpful to release anxiety, calm the overactive mind, reduce stress, relieve depression, clear negative energy, promote physical healing, and attain spiritual clarity. It can be used for meditation or yoga sessions, as background music for studying, or as an aid to deep restful sleep. Used daily it will help you gain balance in mind, body, emotion, and spirit.

What is Reiki and how does it work at a distance? Reiki is an ancient Japanese healing technique, whereby the Reiki Master sends energy to the recipient in order to aid them in self-healing, in body, mind, emotion, and spirit. Reiki means “life force” or “source” energy and we all connected through the same energetic source. Energy is not constrained by place or time and it can be affected by physical movement as well as thought intention. When I set the intention to send positive healing energy to you, the collective, through this video, it can be then be received by you at the time you listen. You are not required to do anything while listening beyond setting your intention to receive positive healing energy.

If you wish to participate in the process so that it is most effective, feel free to sit in easy yoga pose with your hands in prayer position or resting on your knees. Or if you prefer, lay down on your back with one hand over your heart and your other hand over your abdomen. Set your intention for this session, it can for a specific healing need, or it can be simply be for general healing and positive energy. Focus on taking slow, deep abdominal breaths as you listen.

💎Find me at to book my services, check out my handmade Reiki-infused healing crystal jewelry, or browse my lovingly designed yoga & meditation merch collection!

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🌺 Lynn Lotus Yoga & Wellness 🌺

Welcome, Friends! I’m Lynn, a RYT-200 Yoga Teacher, Reiki Master Teacher, Certified Herbalist, and Aromatherapist located in Pennsylvania, USA. I’ve been studying holistic healing since my youth, so I have an eclectic body of knowledge which includes the practices of yoga, qi-gong, Reiki energy healing, nutrition, herbal medicine, aromatherapy, color therapy, sound healing, crystal healing, astrology, numerology, palmistry, and tarot card & oracle reading.

My channel is devoted to healing in mind, body, emotion and spirit. You will find a variety of offerings to aid on your path to complete health. These include distance reiki energy healing, meditation music, guided meditations, positive affirmations, mantra sessions, mindfulness & gratitude practices, sound baths, color therapy sessions, nature immersions, art therapy, inspiring quotes and poems, herbal wisdom, evolutionary astrology forecasts, lightworker ascension discussion, spiritual discourses, and much more! I appreciate you stopping in to watch my videos. Be well and be joyful! Lynn

DISCLAIMER: My videos are for entertainment purposes and not intended for diagnosing, treating, curing, or preventing any disease.

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