Pets are Angels


#petpsychic #petloss #animalreiki

Your “pet”, your animal companion has been with you since the dawn of time. He or she is YOUR angel! (Plus a reading for Vedder!)

I believe animals are angels sent to experience the human condition. Really think about that. Your animal companion is not random. They are literally your soul mate. They come into your life to share it with you, learn from each. They feel what you are going through – physically, emotionally, spiritually so they can better understand how to guide, help and heal.

Then they cross back to non-physical and it is a beginning, not an end. They know how to help you and all you have to do is ask! They have been with you for a lifetime. Your guardian angel has always had your back and for a brief moment in time visited with you in the form of your pet.

They love you like no other – its why we feel so much pain when they go. It’s why we love them so much and accept them family. They teach us truly unconditional love.

What all this boils down to is that I prayed to see an angel and realized that I see angels every single day. And they speak to me through animals. Now its time for you -YOU to see your own angel and to have a relationship with them even after they cross.

🐾 Ready to learn how to make your own connections with animals? Join the School of Animal Mystics! Learn more here 👉

🐾 And don’t miss your opportunity to learn Animal Reiki! The next session is booking now. Save your spot here 👉 or

🐾 Interested in quick tips for having a calm pet?

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