Pets Love Us Forever – From the Other Side of Life


#petloss #nextlevelsoul #animalreiki

Today’s reading is for a dog who is anonymous. Doggie’s human didn’t share his/her name. They did send a photo, so my hope is they will recognize their beautiful, smiling furbaby. I did get a sense that doggy is a girl. She came through to me while I was out for a morning walk taking in the sunshine and fresh air. I believe she enjoyed a good walk in the morning sun – but part way through the walk, my hip began to hurt and I sensed that was coming from her. She also shared messages about sunflowers, smiles and zoomies and looking out her favorite window – and never-ending love. Her big message is to stop over-thinking. The best part of being a dog is that we don’t need to think so much. Dogs don’t think about yesterday or tomorrow. It is fun to scratch and pant and be silly and smile and get the zoomies. There is nothing to be afraid of. There is magic on the other side of life!

🐾 Ready to learn how to make your own connections with animals? Join the Animal Mystic™ Masterclass:

🐾 And don’t miss your opportunity to learn Animal Reiki! The next session is booking now. Save your spot here 👉

🐾 Interested in quick tips for having a calm pet?

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There are many online resources for support and help working through grief after the loss of a pet.

The Human-Animal Bond Trust offers free, virtual, weekly meetings:

Lap of Love, and organization of veterinary professionals who provide end-of-life care, also has a variety of resources and support:

If you’d like to connect with a mental health professional who specializes in pet loss:


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