Prosperity: What It Really Means and How to Achieve It.


Prosperity: What It Really Means and How to Achieve It.

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In the dictionary, we find that prosperity is the opposite of misery, that is, synonymous with wealth and abundance.
However, much more than material goods and money themselves, prosperity is linked to a series of factors that generate happiness and peace of mind.

To be prosperous, it is not enough just to have a good financial condition, this must be seen as a part of prosperity, not as the whole!
It is true that those who have a lot of money can enjoy more comfortable living conditions and differentiated possibilities that can be easily bought.
On the other hand, someone can be a trillionaire and not be prosperous, since money alone does not guarantee personal satisfaction and happiness!

The truly prosperous person understands material wealth as a tool that allows him to enjoy a greater number of possibilities in life.

What drives away prosperity?
Complaining is a habit that takes you away from prosperity.
A person who is always complaining about the job, the husband, the wife, the taxes, the difficult life and how he is a victim, has difficulty seeing new possibilities.

Tips for attracting prosperity
1. Get out of the victim role. …
2. Plan your financial life. …
3. Feel full.
4. Don’t deposit your happiness in material goods. …
5. Altruism and giving.
Tips some good books.
– How to have a richer life and influence people – Dale Carnegie.
¬ 1001 ways to get rich – Joseph Murphy.
– The richest man in Babylon – George S. Clason.

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