Purifying Selenite ASMR Reiki Healing #asmr


*By viewing this video, you are consenting to receive healing energy*

Hi! This video uses only different selenite crystals as tools. Selenite is very cleansing, clearing, and purifying. I recommend this video to de-stress and purify your energetic field whenever you are wanting that. My last #whitenoise ASMR video! I will be using Krisp from now on to clean up my audio. May this bring you much purification!

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*These YouTube videos are for entertainment purposes only. Cherry Blossom Spirituality and the owner associated with this service are not held accountable for decisions made by the recipient. These spiritual services are not to replace medical treatment, psychiatric treatment, or to act as legal or financial advice. If you have concerns in these areas, please consult a reputable professional in the respective field. While there will be physical advice given in certain services, it is up to the discretion of the viewer to take the advice. Cherry Blossom Spirituality is not liable for any injuries. Any and all decisions and actions made by the individual requesting the spiritual service are the sole responsibility of that individual.*

Many blessings to you!

#cherryblossomspirituality #cbspirituality #spirituality #asmrreiki #reiki #reikihealing #selenite #selenitehealing #energyhealing #energyclearing #destress #purification #purify #energycleanse #energyclearing #asmrhealing


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