Reiki and the Healing Drum


“This healing technique combines Reiki and shamanic drumming. This combination is intended to produce better, more experiment-oriented results. It is an effective way to heal one’s mind, body, and spirit. Although it was initially popularized in the US, it has been gaining popularity in other parts. Reiki and the healing drum are ancient methods of treating people who have problems with spiritual energy. It works holistically and focuses on the universal spirit. The principle is the same: to channel the universal or divine energy through a client’s body. Many studies and researches have revealed surprising results in drumming activity. It has been shown to reduce stress, illness, and improve the immune system. Additionally, it can increase a feeling overall of well-being.

Studies have shown that drumming has therapeutic benefits for people of all cultures, backgrounds, religions, and races. It can treat people suffering from complex conditions such as addiction, blood pressure, heart disease, depression, and emotional problems. The combination of sound and energy therapy, Reiki, and drumming can reduce stress levels and induce relaxation in the brain, which secretes endorphins. Drumming can also lift your spirits and allow you to create powerful healing wave patterns and creativity in the brain.”


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