Reiki & Celestite Crystal Healing | Timeless Energy Healing


#reiki #energyhealing #distancehealing #crystalreiki

**Request video**
This energy healing is a blend of Reiki energy & Celestite crystal healing – for raising your vibration, promoting inner peace and calm, for connection with your angels and spiritual guides, and for opening and activating your Throat, Third Eye and Crown chakras.

This Reiki healing session is recorded from beginning to end in real time, which means I am continuously sending Reiki and crystal energy during the entire video all the way to the end. So make sure to watch untill the end to receive the full benefit.

You can watch the video as many times as you like. You do not have to do anything special, just be open to receive Reiki. Do not cross your arms or legs while receiving the Reiki energy.
Reiki will start flowing as soon as the video starts, and it will keep flowing until the video stops.
You can watch with or without sound – whichever you prefer.

Reiki can only do good, and not harm in any way.
Reiki is never meant to substitute medical treatment in any way, shape or form.

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