Reiki Course | Reiki Treatment | Believing in Reiki


Desires are many and a man keeps on hunting after them to achieve it. If the desires don’t fulfill it result in sadness otherwise happiness. The imbalance between the happiness and misery is created by man himself. Why he has to concentrate on only those things which he doesn’t have or what he could not accomplish? A philosophy states “You become that what you think”. If you ponder over miseries you will get miseries only. And if you concentrate on the happiness bestowed by almighty you will receive all the good. The Hypnotherapy helps to program the mind to fulfill all the desires. Acupressure bestows physical as well as mental health. Reiki is one step above that nurtures your physical health, mental health and your relationships also. People forget about the present since they are never contended with it. They keep on cribbing about the past or future. Live in the present. Think what you want to become and why you want to become. This analysis will help you to end all kinds of frustration.


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