Reiki Energy Healing for All Chakras / Full Chakra Healing


Distant Reiki Energy Healing from a Reiki Master for All the 7 Chakras, starting from the first one – the root chakra.
1. If the root chakra(Muladhara) becomes unbalanced, you may feel “stuck” and just can’t seem to move forward in life. You may feel ungrounded, with a depleting sense of self. This frequently happens following traumatic events, family problems, death of a loved one, and major life changes. A blockage in the root chakra prevents the release of grief, guilt, and sadness, contributing the the inability to move forward and preventing you from following your own path. This also deals with fears around around money and stability.

2. If the sacral chakra(Swadhisthana) becomes unbalanced, you will have a lack of energy flow throughout the entire body. You may feel extremely lethargic and unmotivated for life, particularly exercise and sex, leading to sadness, loneliness, and mild depression. Creative blocks also come from this chakra.

3. If the solar plexus(Manipura) chakra becomes unbalanced, you may feel very stressed all the time and powerless to gain control, leaving you mentally and physically exhausted. You may have “gut” feelings but are not sure of what or where they are coming from, contributing to your distress and discomfort. The stress of an unbalanced solar plexus chakra also contributes to poor memory and concentration.

4. If the heart chakra(Anahata) becomes unbalanced, you may feel detached from the world around you. If this chakra is unbalanced or blocked it can lead to a disconnection from the people we love, love for ourselves, and love for the earth. Most common blocks in this chakra have to do with not reciving love as a child and with relationships “gone bad“.

5. If the throat chakra(Vishuddha) becomes unbalanced, you may feel you are unable to communicate verbally, physically, and emotionally. The throat chakra connects us to our ability to express ourselves.(ability to say no, ability to say whats really on your mind etc, express love) Blocks in this chakra make it very difficult to express emotion and set healthy boundaries between you and other people.

6. If the third-eye chakra(Ajna) becomes unbalanced, we may feel bombarded with our own thoughts(chronic over-thinkers), unable to process them effectively and may feel stuck in an emotional and intellectual rut. We lose our sense of intuition, making our judgment clouded and causing us to make poor decisions. With a blocked third-eye chakra we become closed to new ideas.

7. If the crown chakra(Sahasrara) becomes unbalanced, we feel unconnected spiritually and as though we are living without any direction or purpose. Happiness depends on external conditions, existential depression, narrow mindedness, greed and materialism, excessive egoism. The imbalance of the crown chakra can also manifest physically through headaches, fatigue, and mental illness.

How to use this video:
Uncross your arms and legs, sit or lie down. Let your mind and body relax. You can close your eyes or watch the video. You may experience tingles, warmth, tears(energy release), laughter or even fall asleep. You can watch this video as many times as you like. You can not overdose on Reiki and it can’t harm you in any way. The effects of Reiki are cumulative, the more you receive it the better it gets.
For better energy movement in your body it is recommended to drink water after this session.

Share this video. It’s made with love for you to use and to pass it on. If you enjoyed this session click on the like button and subscribe to my channel 🙂

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This video is not meant to take the place of any medical treatment. In critical situations, please, use your common sense and help yourself first by seeking qualified professional help.


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