Reiki for Healing your Inner Child #Reiki Sending Love to a Younger Version of you to clear trauma


Reiki Energy for Healing your Inner Child, trapped emotions and childhood trauma.

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Distance Reiki healing by Reiki Master Nanette, with Radiant Reiki- here to help you Heal Your Inner Power!

Inner Child Reiki healing and clearing to release all that no longer servers your highest good and bring in new healing loving energy to help become the best version of yourself

If you are new to Reiki, it is a ancient Japanese energy healing modality that works with the universal life force energy that is all around you. There is no such thing as time, space or dimension with energy, so just allow it to flow through you and heal what needs to be healed. You can never receive too much Reiki because the energy knows where to go.

Being a Reiki Master I can ask the energy to flow through the recipients who are allowing the energy to flow through and heal what needs to be healed and clear what needs to be cleared.

If you are interested in a one on one live video distance Reiki, Chakra Clearing session and Spiritual Guidance as I connect with your Higher Self and your Spirit Guides on a Zoom Call you can find more information on my website


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This is not intended to diagnose or treat any conditions.


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