Reiki for Weight Loss-Full Energy Healing Session


If you are someone who are eating healthy and active yet not seeing meaningful results, this video is for you.

In Reiki for Weight Loss, I will be using hypnotherapy, kundalini reiki, plucking, pulling and guided meditation focusing on emotional healing and clearing negative beliefs about your body, food and exercise.

I will help your central nervous system to relax taking you out of the state of survival. This would decrease your adrenaline overproduction bringing your body to hormonal balance. I will also address internalized judgements and comparing your body to other, overly indetifying with how your body looks, lack of self love, trying to replace love and care with food, as well as hiding from attention and possible heartbreak under the layers of fat.

We will journey through your relationship with food, helping you to see food as a nourishment, fuel for your body and a gift of Earth, rather than a tool of control and self-panishment, reclaiming the pleasure of eating and learning your point of satiety.

At the end of the video, I will share with a daily practice to feed your body with love and nourishment that will help you not only feel beautiful but see the changes you dream of.

This is a transmission from Andean mountains-next to the jungle making the reiki energy healing session infused with the power of the land.

Let me know in the comments how you feel and if you need personal attention, send me a message at for a private session.

#reikihealing #weightloss #energyhealing #reikisession #hypnotherapy #weightlosshypnosis #energyclearing


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