Reiki Healing Activation 222


Sit back, relax, close your eyes and take in this Reiki healing activation for yourself, your loved ones, your country and the world. Reiki is a intelligent universal healing energy that goes exactly where it needs to go, so just relax and allow this healing energy in.

I love you, Kim

Much Gratitude given to the Heart of Reiki
Music credit given to Merlins Magic The Heart of Reiki Relaxation Music published by Mohammad Omar on YouTube.

Activations, Sessions, Arkansas crystals and essential oil blends created by me and My book can be found on my website:

All of our work supports ascension and raising your frequency and level of consciousness. We offer a variety of tools, personal sessions and group sessions as aligned. As we ascend, our connection with God/Source and our higher self strengthens, as we embody the Christ Light, which is held within all. It is in the space of higher knowing that we experience more peace and love within. It is all inside, it always was. It is with an open heart that I share my love with you. Love Blessings, Kim

Perfumes and Sacred Oils made with essential oils:

Arkansas Crystals:

My book “Divine Warrior Goddess Step Into your Power” Journey to Wholeness, Ignite Your Self Mastery:
Book on Amazon:


Quantum Transformational Sessions can be found on my website at:

If you would like to support my work you may offer a love donation here:


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