Reiki Healing – Become A Reiki Master – Reiki Training


Reiki Master Training

What Is Reiki and How To Become A Reiki Master

To most people Reiki is all about healing. It is indeed a healing art but it is also so much more as well… So What Exactly is Reiki?

Reiki, as we have already said, is best known in the west as a gentle but powerful system of hands on healing. And it is a system, which can easily be learned by anyone to heal themselves, others, plants and animals.

Reiki helps you…

Discover your true purpose in life.
Produce and achieve all your goals.
Heal past traumas, which may be hindering your growth.
Discover your own spiritual path.
Find, contentment, spiritual enlightenment and…

…the understanding that GOD and YOU are ONE.
How does Reiki Work?

The energy of Reiki works by gently opening you up to the understanding that you are the creator of your own reality — that there is no greater power than you. With this knowing comes the realisation that everything that happens in your life happens because you want it to…

There are no accidents.

You make what happens happen.

With this awareness comes the realisation that every event in your life, including that of illness, is brought to you, by you — and that it can, therefore, be taken away by you as well.

So the short answer to how Reiki works, therefore, is the energy of Reiki works by bringing your power back to…

Where Does Reiki Energy Come From?

The most common translation of the word Reiki, which is Japanese and pronounced ray-key, is ‘the universal and holy, spiritually conscious, life force energy that energises and animates all living things’.

Every living thing in the universe is alive because of this energy.

So when people ask, “where does Reiki energy come from?” The answer has to be…
Is Reiki a Religion?

No, Reiki is not a religion.

You do not have to have any religious beliefs at all. It certainly could be said that there is a spiritual element to Reiki, but spirituality and religion are not the same.
How Long Does It Take To Learn Reiki?

Reiki, generally speaking, consists of three levels of training known as Reiki 1, Reiki 2 and Reiki Master. Some schools have built their courses around more levels — but three is all that is necessary.

These levels can be ‘learned’ over a period of many months, or can be taken over one intensive period.

It really depends on the individual wishing to ‘take’ Reiki.

If you feel more comfortable taking your time ‘learning’ Reiki, then do so. If you think you are ready to ‘take’ all three levels in one go, then you are ready.

It’s entirely up to you.
How Can I Experience Reiki?

Most people’s first experience of Reiki is generally through a ‘hands on healing’ therapy session.

During this time they usually report various feelings of warmth or coolness with, maybe, a sense of bubbling energy movement.

Some experience beautiful colors, or the presence of spiritual beings but most people simply experience deep relaxation and peace…

Indeed it is not uncommon for many to fall soundly asleep.
How is a Reiki Treatment Given?

A Reiki treatment is usually given in a quiet and peaceful environment with the person receiving Reiki either lying or sitting down.

The person giving Reiki will then transmit the Reiki energy to the person receiving it — placing their hands either on or over various points on the body.

A treatment can last anywhere between 30 minutes to an hour and a half, the usual being about an hour.

There is no need to remove any items of clothing except perhaps your shoes if you are lying down on a couch. So it is perfect for people who feel embarrassed or uneasy about undressing.
What Can Be Treated With Reiki?

In a word everything — for Reiki works on all levels of awareness in body, mind and spirit.

It can be compared very simply to the analogy of having a flat battery in a car…

Someone comes along with a strong, healthy battery and a set of jump leads. Connects everything up and the flat car battery suddenly has the extra energy needed to start the engine.

Reiki does this for people irrespective of what is ailing them. It gives them the extra energy they need to make themselves better — whilst, sometimes, providing them with a deeper understanding of why they made themselves ill in the first place.
Can I Treat Myself?

If you have been attuned to Reiki, then…

Yes, very much so. This is one of the many benefits of Reiki. Not only does Reiki give you the energy and ability to successfully treat yourself. It also helps to raise your level of awareness to the point where you begin to understand…

that you create your own illnesses.

Reiki Course

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