Reiki Healing for Anxiety and Stress


Lily offers a distant Reiki session with the intention of releasing anxiety and stress. Your intention to receive is all that is needed to receive the healing. The benefits of Reiki accumulate over time. This healing session can be viewed multiple times for added benefit and healing.

In this session, Lily uses a Metatron‘s Cube crystal grid to empower the session’s intention. The addition of a copper pyramid and herbs amplify the healing.

Crystals used to amplify Healing: angelite, green aventurine, carnelian, rose quartz, tigers eye, turquoise, amethyst, selenite, smoky quartz, crystal quartz, and lapis lazuli.

Herbs used to support Healing: chamomile, lavender, lemon balm, peppermint, vervain, jasmine, rue and roses.


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