Reiki Healing for Peace [Inner Peace, Peace in Home, Peaceful Situations] Mostly Non-Guided


#reiki #reikihealing #energyhealing

Reiki Notes & Common Experiences:

1) You may feel an initial increase of stress or anxiety coming to the surface. This is normal! Allow it so happen (don’t fight it). It is coming to the surface to be cleared.

2) Other common energy healing experiences include twitching, jerking, heat, tingling, emotional releases. Everything you experience is valid and for your highest good. You are always safe going though this.

3) Please drink water after each session.

Reiki is the channeling of high vibrational Universal Energy through the practitioner (me) into the client (you). It is not meant as a substitute for medical treatment.


I am currently not offering one-on-one sessions. Please check out extensive healing downloads/videos/courses below.

🌻Donate 🌻–I intend this comes back to you 100-Fold!!–


🙌 50-Minute Full Reiki Session, MP3 Download [50 USD]:


💰Abundance Manifestation Session [Remove ALL Blocks. Shift Your Energy to Make Your Desires Want YOU!] [33.33 USD]–


✨Release ALL Resistance and Blocks w/ Violet Flame and Reiki Healing [44.44 USD]:

🌀Journey into Past Lives [Akashic Records Session]:

✨Christ Consciousness Energy Transmission [Individual or Twin Flame Healing] 33.33 USD–

📖 The Little Book of Modern Magic–


✨🔥Extensive 45-minute Union Activation [55.11 USD]:

🔥Twin Flame Archangel Healing [33.33 USD]:

🌅Twin Flame 5-Hours Energy Healing/ Affirmations [66.66 USD]:

💞Complete Relationship Healing Session [44.44 USD]:

🌕Twin Flame Full Moon Healing Session [22.22 USD]–

♥Free Twin Flame Archetype Quiz:


-About energy transmission-
This video channels energy from the Divine through the channel, into you. It is always sent for your highest and best good and the highest and best good for all involved.
These are not a substitute for professional mental health or medical services.

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