Reiki healing for Self Compassion


You have poorly developed self-compassion if: you beat yourself up when you face failure or make a mistake (you may call yourself names or berate yourself); You diminish your positive accomplishments and traits, focusing instead on what’s wrong with you; It is easier to think of yourself in a negative light.

At the end of the day, we all have something about ourselves that we don’t like.
I personally don’t like a few parts about myself, but that’s ok. I’ve come to accept that I’m far from perfect.

But just because I have a few areas that I need to work on or lessons that I’ve yet to learn, doesn’t mean I have to mistreat myself. Why in the world would I turn against myself?

I chose to give myself a break. And you know what? It’s much nicer to have myself as an ally, rather than being my own enemy.

Self-compassion helped me internalize that my worth is unconditional on the deepest level. I’ve come to learn that I’m not less valuable if I mess up.


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